Міський голова Глухова Мішель Терещенко повідомив про наміри відкрити перший в Україні європейський центр терапії коноплями. Про це він написав на своїй сторінці у Facebook.
Цю інформацію BBC Україна підтвердила речниця пана Терещенка Оксана Друп.
За словами мера, це буде перший в Європі такий центр.
“…у Глухові ми маємо коноплі! Це наша традиція, і у нас навіть є відомий Інститут конопель, у якому ще 20 років тому могли виводити сорти конопель без тетрагідроканабінолу (ненаркотичні коноплі), але з каннабідіолом, які можуть використовуватись для боротьби з численними захворюваннями: рак, склероз, хвороба Паркінсона, Альцгеймера”, – написав мер міста.
Найскладнішою проблемою в галузі охорони здоров’я, за словами пана Терещенка, є лікування онкологічних захворювань.
Мер пояснює, що наразі найкраще, що він може зробити, це попросити соціальні служби виплатити хворому 5 000 гривень. Однак навіть один сеанс хіміотерапії коштує дорожче.
Пан Терещенко заявляє, що канабіноїди (КБР), на які багаті коноплі, потенційно можуть бути ліками від раку.”Як було доведено, канабіноїди зменшують кількість ракових клітин, оскільки вони сприяють відновленню імунної системи. Проте не кожен штам канабіноїдів має однаковий ефект, – пише він. – при вживання канабіноїдів у дедалі більшої кількості пацієнтів досить швидко спостерігається позитивний ефект у боротьбі з раком”.
Мер Глухова повідомляє, що для створення першого європейського центру терапії коноплями вже знайшлися інвестори.
Він має відкритись за три місяці, коли буде новий врожай конопель, повідомляє bbc.com
“У центрі лікуватимуть хворих пацієнтів, а також здійснюватимуть профілактику захворювань. Він буде більше схожий на центр краси, аніж на лікарню, і люди матимуть змогу не лише отримати лікування, а й також розслабитися або привести себе в гарну форму”, – написав пан Терещенко.
For a city mayor, the most important question is the good health of the city’s inhabitants. And in this field, unfortunately the most difficult problem to solve is oncology and treatment against cancer. At each weekly reception of the citizen, the mayor has to answer dire calls for help and the best he could do is to ask the social services of the city to give 5,000 griven (around $ 180) when the needs are much more important and when only one sceance of chemo-therapy costs by far more for the person to be cured. So, even if we were able to multiply by five the social material help given for oncology healing to our Hlukhiv citizens in 2016 (in comparaison with 2015), this help stays by far insufficient.
But in Hlukhiv we have hemp ! It is our tradition and we even have the most famous Institute for Hemp that was able already 20 years ago to select varieties of hemp without THC (that means non-narcotic varieties), but not without CBD (cannabinoids that could be used to help fighting numerous illnesses : cancer, sclerosis, Parkinson, Alzheimer,…).
So discussing with investors we were able to get their interest to create in Hlukhiv the FIRST EUROPEAN CENTER FOR KONOPLIO-THERAPY. It should open in three months, on time for the new harvest of hemp (we have hemp fields around Hlukhiv). And it will both help curing the ill patients, but also help the persons in good health to stay in good health. It will look more like a beauty center than like an hospital, and people would be able not only to get cured but also to relax or to get in good shape.
It should be not such a bad idea as people that heard about our project have started to call me even from Poland… so let’s get ready to welcome them in Hlukhiv for a good cure !
If you are a doctor, a scientist, an investor, or just a curious person willing to explore this new possibility for a soft para-medicine, just get in touch with me through a private message on Facebook and we would get you involved in our project.
And now let’s learn about some of the benefits of hemp to fight against cancer…
Cannabinoids (CBD) from hemp (“конодлія”) can be a potential cure for cancer.
Let’s take a look at the science behind cannabinoids and cancer. Although cannabinoids has been proven to be effective for a wide range of ailments, this article will focus mainly on its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer. Cannabinoids may very well be one of the best disease and cancer fighting treatments out there. Cannabinoids refer to any of a group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of hemp. They activate cannabinoid receptors in the body. The body itself produces compounds called endocannabinoids and they play a role in many processes within the body that help to create a healthy environment. Cannabinoids also play a role in immune system generation and re-generation. The body regenerates best when it’s saturated with Phyto-Cannabinoids.
Cannabinoids are plentiful in hemp. Cannabinoids have been proven to reduce cancer cells, as they have a great impact on the rebuilding of the immune system. While not every strain of cannabinoids has the same effect, more and more patients are seeing success in cancer reduction in a short period of time by using cannabinoids.
Below are 20 medical studies that suggest cannabinoids can be an effective treatment and possible cure for cancer.
Brain Cancer
1. A study published in the British Journal of Cancer, conducted by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Complutense University in Madrid, determined that cannabinoids inhibit tumour growth. They were responsible for the first clinical study aimed at assessing cannabinoid antitumoral action. Cannabinoid delivery was safe and was achieved with zero psychoactive effects.
2. A study published in The Journal of Neuroscience examined the biochemical events in both acute neuronal damage and in slowly progressive, neurodegenerative diseases. They conducted a magnetic resonance imaging study that looked at THC (the main active compound in marijuana) and found that it reduced neuronal injury in rats. The results of this study provide evidence that the cannabinoid system can serve to protect the brain against neurodegeneration.
3. A study published in The Journal of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics already acknowledged the fact that cannabinoids have been shown to possess antitumor properties. This study examined the effect of cannabidiol (CBD, non-psychoactive cannabinoid compound) on human glioma cell lines. The addition of cannabidiol led to a dramatic drop in the viability of glioma cells. Glioma is the word used to describe brain tumour. The study concluded that cannabidiol was able to produce a significant antitumor activity.
4. A study published in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics outlines how brain tumours are highly resistant to current anticancer treatments, which makes it crucial to find new therapeutic strategies aimed at improving the poor prognosis of patients suffering from this disease. This study also demonstrated the reversal of tumour activity in Glioblastoma multiforme.
Breast Cancer
5. A study published in the US National Library of Medicine, conducted by the California Pacific Medical Centre, determined that cannabidiol (CBD) inhibits human breast cancer cell proliferation and invasion. They also demonstrated that CBD significantly reduces tumour mass.
6. A study published in The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics determined that cannabidiol dramatically reduced breast cancer cell growth. They confirmed the potency and effectiveness of these compounds.
7. A study published in the journal Molecular Cancer showed that THC reduced tumour growth and tumour numbers. They determined that cannabinoids inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce cancer cell apoptosis, and impair tumour angiogenesis (all good things). This study provides strong evidence for the use of cannabinoid based therapies for the management of breast cancer.
8. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) determined that cannabinoids inhibit human breast cancer cell proliferation.
Lung Cancer
9. A study published in the journal Oncogene, by Harvard Medical Schools Experimental Medicine Department, determined that THC inhibits epithelial growth factor induced lung cancer cell migration and more. They go on to state that THC should be explored as novel therapeutic molecules in controlling the growth and metastasis of certain lung cancers.
10. A study published by the US National Library of Medicine by the Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology, from the Department of General Surgery in Germany, determined thatmcannabinoids inhibit cancer cell invasion. Effects were confirmed in primary tumour cells from a lung cancer patient. Overall, data indicated that cannabinoids decrease cancer cell invasiveness.
11. A study published by the US National Library of Medicine, conducted by Harvard Medical School, investigated the role of cannabinoid receptors in lung cancer cells. They determined its effectiveness and suggested that it should be used for treatment against lung cancer cells.
Prostate Cancer
12. A study published in the US National Library of Medicine illustrates a decrease in prostatic cancer cells by acting through cannabinoid receptors.
13. A study published in the US National Library of Medicine outlined multiple studies proving the effectiveness of cannabis on prostate cancer.
14. Another study published by the US National Library of Medicine determined that clinical testing of CBD against prostate carcinoma is a must. That cannabinoid receptor activation induces prostate carcinoma cell apoptosis. They determined that cannabidiol significantly inhibited cell viability.
Blood Cancer
15. A study published in the journal Molecular Pharmacology recently showed that cannabinoids induce growth inhibition and apoptosis in mantle cell lymphoma. The study was supported by grants from the Swedish Cancer Society, The Swedish Research Council, and the Cancer Society in Stockholm.
16. A study published in the International Journal of Cancer also determined and illustrated that cannabinoids exert antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects in various types of cancer and in mantle cell lymphoma.
17. A study published in the US National Library of Medicine conducted by the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology by Virginia Commonwealth University determined that cannabinoids induce apoptosis in leukemia cells.
Oral Cancer
18. A study published by the US National Library of Medicine shows that cannabinoids are potent inhibitors of cellular respiration and are toxic to highly malignant oral tumours.
Liver Cancer
19. A study published by the US National Library of Medicine determined that THC reduces the viability of human HCC cell lines (Human hepatocellular liver carcinoma cell line) and reduced their growth.
Pancreatic Cancer
20. A study published in The American Journal of Cancer determined that cannabinoid receptors are expressed in human pancreatic tumor cell lines and tumour biopsies at much higher levels than in normal pancreatic tissue. Results showed that cannabinoid administration induced apoptosis. They also reduced the growth of tumour cells, and inhibited the spreading of pancreatic tumour cells.